jueves, 23 de enero de 2020

In your room

Your burning eyes.
Cause flames to arise.

Will you let the fire die down soon?
Or will I always be here?
Your favourite passion. Your favourite game.
Your favourite mirror.
Your favourite slave.

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Soundtrack de los 36, 5.

You can change your name, or even who you are
That's the beauty of the scar
That is the contract of the heart
The book, the book of your heart
One tiny mark, an entry
In the book of your heart
It's written on skin
To even be in
The book of your heart
Babe I don't belong to you
Love is what we choose to do
Babe you don't belong to me
It's not that easy

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

Soundtrack de los 36, 4.

I was always an unusual girl
My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul
No moral compass pointing due north
No fixed personality
Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean
And if I said I didn’t plan for it to turn out this way I’d be lying

I believe in the freedom of the open road
And my motto is the same as ever
"I believe in the kindness of strangers"

And when I'm at war with myself
I ride
I just ride

Who are you?
Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?

I have
I am fucking crazy
But I am free

Soundtrack de los 36, 3.

Oh baby, come on, let me get to know you
Just another chance so that I can show
That I won't let you down and run
No, I won't let you down and run
'Cause I could be the one
I could be the one
I could be the one

domingo, 12 de enero de 2020

Soundtrack de los 36, 2.

I can feel the presence of God
Occupying my intentions
In my soul, within my thoughts
And in ways to dreary to mention
These thoughts torment me
They mould and shape me
There’s a man that I should be,
Or someone I could be
Nothing can break me
Nothing that I say
You can’t shape me,
You can’t take me, so set me free.

Soundtrack de los 36, 1.

La pregunta es:
¿Quién va a defenderte de mí?
¿Quién va a defenderte de mí?
¿Quién está dispuesto a luchar?
¿Quién está dispuesto a luchar por amor?
¿Quién está dispuesto a pelear por honor,
por lo que no vale nada?
¿Cuál sería la gracia?
Quiero que pensemos la pregunta
y que nos la dejen preguntar.
¿Quién va a reclamar?