martes, 11 de abril de 2017


Current mood. Current song. Current everything.

Red lights, X-ray vision
Lowly drug is in my veins
Blood stained indecision
Holiness is burned away

Midnight, midnight calling
Color me insane

Still-life with roses in a vase
A thorn is in your hand
Unsent letters in a box
Frozen where you stand

Do you miss me, miss me, darling?
God knows, I miss you
Somewhere else, two trains colliding
That's what the sickness brought me to

Dead right
All night
When we feel the serpent strike

Blacklight, house of mirrors
The heavens open up and bleed
Face down, drifting backwards
Lonely river to the sea

Midnight, midnight calling
Coloring my dreams

Anchor chained around your neck
Christ is in your hands
Whispering behind your back
Falling where you stand

Do you miss me, miss me, darling?
God knows I'm missing you
I can see two cars colliding
That's what the sickness brought me to

Do you miss me, miss me, darling?
Do you know I'm missing you
Can't you see the world is ending
That's what this damage took me to

Dead right
All night
When you feel the spider bite
Ooo, nocturne

Do you miss me, miss me, darling?
God knows I'm missing you
I can see two worlds colliding
That's what the sickness brought me to

Dead right
All night
When you feel the serpent strike
Ooo, nocturne

It took me so long to look pretty and I'm not.

EDIT: ¿Se acuerdan del último man con el que tiré en el último post? Adivinen quien salió con un chorro de babas de aquí a Pekín. Man # 4.
Prefiero practicar el amor propio que tener a un idiota encima mío. Prefiero esperar a que las cosas se den, y nada más. O si es el caso, buscar a cualquier otro de los hombres que han pasado por mi y volver a pedir cacao. Bien dicen que preferible malo conocido que bueno por conocer.

El otro día subí una foto de mi misma que le mandé a los levantes de OKC. La reacción nuevamente me ha tomado por sorpresa, porque no puedo creer que una pinche selfie tenga ese efecto en los demás-yo solo creí que la luz estaba bien y que ese día no tenía muchos barros.
Igual, juzguen ustedes.


EDIT: Remember the last dude I had sex with in the last post? Guess who stood me up big time. Yes, guy #4.
I'd rather jerk off than have an ass on top of me. I'd rather wait for things to happen. Or if I REALLY need to, find any of the other men who've been through me and ask for a second round. Better to go through a known path than an unknown one sometimes.

The other day I posted a picture of myself, one that I used for the men I speak with online. The response has yet again taken me by surprise, because I don't believe a simple selfie can have such an effect on others-I just thought the light was ok and that my skin looked decent.
Still, you be the judge.